Practical solutions with real-world impact.
We foster expanded expertise and fresh perspectives through access to high-quality, up-to-date and relevant information and conversations on VACiS prevention.
Read the latest from the Africa Hub.
Download our latest briefs from sub-Saharan Africa, an evidence brief Preventing violence against children through schools in sub-Saharan Africa and the policy brief Africa’s commitment to Safer Education: The Policy Landscape for Preventing Violence Against Children in Schools.
VACiS Resource Library
By synthesizing relevant work, we can deepen our collective understanding about the issues and challenges facing us in our work to prevent VACiS.

Preventing Violence against Children: Prioritizing Pathways
The Coalition for Good Schools offers five overarching ideas to conversations at the First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence against Children in Bogotá, Colombia held 7-8 November 2024.

Summary Report: Africa’s Commitment to Safer Education: The Policy Landscape for Preventing Violence Against Children in Schools
A recent 2024 mapping of the current relevant policy landscape for preventing and responding to VACiS across sub-Saharan Africa, by the Africa Hub.

Ending corporal punishment in schools to transform education for all children
End Corporal Punishment, GPEVAC, Safe to Learn and the Coalition for Good Schools make the case for policy bans on violence in schools and linking policy to practice.

Preventing Violence Against Children in Schools in Resource-Poor Environments
Co-founder Dipak Naker articulates a case for prioritizing prevention of violence against children (VAC) in resource poor environments of developing countries and using schools as a strategic entry point. Published in Aggression & Violent Behavior, 2019.

Ending Violence in Childhood Global Report 2017 - Know Violence In Childhood
A culmination of years of work by academics and practitioners from different disciplines and sectors working together to examine existing data, and commissioning new research on the causes and consequences of childhood violence.

Ending Violence in Schools: An Investment Case
The World Bank and the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (GPEVAC) articulate a compelling investment case for ending violence in and around school as essential to reap the benefits from education and ensure children’s well-being.

Wilton Park Report, January 2024: Addressing violence in and through education
From deliberations at Wilton Park on ending violence in schools, with the Center for Global Development, the Coalition for Good Schools, FCDO, and the Global Partnership for Education, with support from Safe to Learn.

Evidence Brief: Preventing violence against children through schools in sub-Saharan Africa
A succinct summary of what is known about effective and promising approaches and strategies to prevent violence in and through schools in sub-Saharan Africa.

Preventing violence against children through schools in sub-Saharan Africa (Full Report)
A detailed evidence review on what is known about effective and promising approaches and strategies to prevent violence in and through schools in sub-Saharan Africa.

Violence in Schools: Prevalence, Impact, and Interventions
An overview of the magnitude and effects of violence in and around schools and a review of evidence-based interventions aimed at eliminating school-related violence, with Center for Global Development.

Prevention of Violence against Children In and Through Schools in the Global South
The Coalition for Good Schools' first global evidence review on effective prevention of violence in and through schools, led by co-founders at Children's Institute at UCT and IRCW Asia.

Is Violence Against Children Preventable? Findings from the Good School Study summarized for general audiences
An evaluation of the Good School Toolkit, a whole school approach in Uganda, by Raising Voices & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Classrooms in Peace within Violent Contexts: Field Evaluation of Aulas en Paz in Colombia
Findings from a rigorously evaluated elementary school multicomponent program to prevent aggression and promote peaceful relationships, from Coalition co-founders Aulas en Paz.

Changing Course: Implementation and Evaluation of the Gender Equality Movement in Schools (GEMS) Program
ICRW's evaluation of the Gender Equality Movement in Schools (GEMS) program in specific implementation sites across three countries - Vietnam, India and Bangladesh.

Tackling Violence in Schools: A Global Perspective
A landmark UN 2016 report on the gaps that exist between standards and practice in how we address school violence.

Sin miedo en la escuela: Colombia
Diagnóstico nacional sobre las violencias en entornos educativos, Colombia.

No fear at school (Sin miedo en la escuela): Prevention of violence against children in schools. Colombia Country Report, April 2024.
A country report on the state of violence against children in schools, using the Safe to Learn Diagnostic Tool. An initiative of the Latin American Hub with Aulas en Paz and RedPapaz. This report is available in English.

Sin miedo en la escuela: Argentina
Diagnóstico nacional sobre las violencias en entornos educativos, Argentina

Evolving practice in violence against children in schools: A scan of the literature
The Coalition for Good School's pilot global scan of the literature on violence against children in schools in the Global South. These collected learnings helped inform our coming together as a coalition.

Sin miedo en la escuela: Chile
Diagnóstico nacional sobre las violencias en entornos educativos, Chile

Sin miedo en la escuela: Mexico
Diagnóstico nacional sobre las violencias en entornos educativos, Mexico

Principles for Preventing Violence Against Children
Raising Voices, Uganda articulates its core principles for violence against children prevention in and through schools.

Immersive Pedagogy: Breakthrough's Approach to Preventing and Addressing Violence & Discrimination Against Women and Girls
Breakthrough India

INSPIRE Framework for Preventing Violence Against Children
The World Health Organization's core framework for preventing and responding to all forms of VAC.

Digital Media for Social Change: A Guide for CSOs
From Samya Development and the Asia Hub, a living document that equips CSOs with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration needed to navigate this ever-changing landscape.
Learn from others in relevant contexts.
Download our first global evidence review: Prevention of violence against children in and through schools in the Global South.
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If you are interested in joining one of our three Regional Hubs and becoming a member, please get in touch.