Good schools, just world.

We believe that children learning in a safe environment is fundamental for the quality of human life.

Good schools, just world.

We believe that children learning in a safe environment is fundamental for the quality of human life.

Good schools, just world.

We believe that children learning in a safe environment is fundamental for the quality of human life.

We are a coalition of and for the Global South. We synthesize knowledge, convene practitioners, and advocate to prevent violence against children in schools.
A significant proportion of violence against children in schools (VACiS) is concentrated in the Global South.
Our aim is to contribute to creating a positive school experience for all stakeholders by sharing ideas, interventions, knowledge and support across Latin America, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
We are a coalition of and for the Global South. We synthesize knowledge, convene practitioners, and advocate to prevent violence against children in schools.
A significant proportion of violence against children in schools (VACiS) is concentrated in the Global South.
Our aim is to contribute to creating a positive school experience for all stakeholders by sharing ideas, interventions, knowledge and support across Latin America, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
We are a coalition of and for the Global South. We synthesize knowledge, convene practitioners, and advocate to prevent violence against children in schools.
A significant proportion of violence against children in schools (VACiS) is concentrated in the Global South.
Our aim is to contribute to creating a positive school experience for all stakeholders by sharing ideas, interventions, knowledge and support across Latin America, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
The global community is now beginning to get organized around preventing violence against children. However, while we are paying attention to the violence children experience at home and in the community, the work on preventing violence against children at school is still not getting the attention it deserves.
Watch this video from our co-founders on why they recognised schools as an ideal entry point for preventing violence, and why now is the moment to build this movement in and for the Global South.
Practical solutions and credible evidence with real-world impact.
Open and transparent access to insights and evidence means that Coalition members and other practitioners benefit from information relevant and responsible to the Global South.
Download and read our recently published Evidence Review and expand your knowledge of VACiS through our synthesized resource library.
Three regional hubs – one united Coalition.
There are many compounding factors that increase the prevalence of violence against children in the Global South, hence the critical need to deliver scalable impact where it matters most.
This is our differentiating focus. It allows us to share proven and practical solutions in an unequal world.
We have established three regional hubs to drive collaboration and action. Because when we elevate and amplify voices of practitioners in the Global South, we will arrive at solutions that are the most sustainable, regionally relevant, and work better for all.
Three regional hubs – one united Coalition.
There are many compounding factors that increase the prevalence of violence against children in the Global South, hence the critical need to deliver scalable impact where it matters most.
This is our differentiating focus. It allows us to share proven and practical solutions in an unequal world.
We have established three regional hubs to drive collaboration and action. Because when we elevate and amplify voices of practitioners in the Global South, we will arrive at solutions that are the most sustainable, regionally relevant, and work better for all.
Join the Coalition:
The latest research and innovation, synthesized. Convenings to connect with others in your field. A united voice, speaking up for our children.
If you are interested in joining one of our three Regional Hubs and becoming a member, please get in touch.