Three regional hubs – one united voice.

The Coalition consists of three regional hubs centered in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Guided by our shared theory of change, each hub sets its own agenda and creates its own priorities.

This three-in-one hub approach represents a shift in the balance of power in global agendas and funding towards VACiS practitioners in the Global South. It enables the right resources to be prioritized and directed responsively to those on the ground that understand the issues and solutions best.

Asia hub

Key Objective: to bring the debate around the issue of VAC to the forefront and to harness the wealth of evidence available and steer agendas for further action in the Asia and Pacific region.


Samya Development Resources Private Limited (Samya)


Director, Samya


Project Manager, Samya



The Asia Hub is being coordinated by Samya Development Resources Private Limited. The Hub plans to spearhead the coalition’s voices from the Global South through a group of Asian leaders and organisations who are mutually concerned with the debate on preventing VAC in schools. The Hub shall coordinate the efforts of the regional partners to collate their experiences, learning, and priorities around VAC in schools.


  • Samya, India
  • Breakthrough Trust, India
  • ICRW, India
  • Awaz Foundation, Pakistan
  • Child Rights Coalition Asia
  • Enfold Proactive Health Trust, India
  • Yuwa, India
  • Voice of Children, Nepal
  • Kidpower, India
  • Society for Equality, Respect & Trust for all (SERATA), Malaysia
  • This Life, Cambodia
  • Azad India Foundation, India
  • Nedan Foundation, India
  • Anuradha Mukherjee, India
  • Nepal Forum for Restorative Justice (NFRJ), Nepal


  • Creation of knowledge products
  • Engagement with policymakers, investors, and regional education sectors
  • Regional scoping exercise in six countries (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Philippines)
  • Establish a learning circle on addressing VAC in schools and online spaces
  • Communication campaign on online abuse and VAC in schools

Sub-Saharan Africa hub

Key Objective: to organize practitioners working to prevent VAC in schools in the region, and steer regional conversations on priorities of VAC prevention in schools. Our goal will be to build a regional movement for the prevention of VACiS within the overall structure of the Coalition for Good Schools.


Raising Voices, Uganda


Prossy Fiona Nakanjako, Co-Director, Raising Voices


Hope Wambi, VAC Prevention Coordinator, Raising Voices



The Sub-Saharan Africa hub is coordinated by Raising Voices in Uganda. The hub’s core function will be to organize practitioners working to prevent VAC in schools in the region, and steer regional conversations on priorities of  VAC prevention in schools. Our goal will be to build a regional movement for the prevention of VACiS within the overall structure of the Coalition for Good Schools. The Sub-Saharan Africa hub will further seek linkages and collaborate with the Asia and Latin America hubs to share learnings and increase advocacy.


  • Raising Voices, Uganda
  • HakiElimu, Tanzania
  • Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Kenya
  • Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • PAL Network, Kenya
  • Centre for Justice & Crime Prevention, South Africa 


  • Create an African ‘coalition of the willing’ that will drive the advocacy agenda on prevention of violence against children in the continent
  • Strengthen the hub’s capacity to carry out its mandate
  • Promote quality research and practices on prevention of violence against children in schools
  • Enhance collaboration with the Asia and Latin America hub for increased impact

Latin America hub

Key Objective: to make a strategic contribution to the global discourse on the prevention of VAC at schools based on the experience and knowledge of a group of practitioners and experts from the region. This goal is expected to be achieved by: (1) building a shared vision about how to prioritize and address the prevention of VAC at schools, (2) producing and compiling dissemination materials (e.g., brochures, public declaration) and knowledge products (e.g., policy and practice briefs, reports) to inform stakeholders about prevention of VAC in Latin America.


Aulas en Paz, Colombia


Jose Fernando Mejia, Executive Director, Aulas en Paz


Lina Maria Saldarriaga, Director of Operations, Aulas en Paz 



The Latin America Regional hub brings together a group of practitioners and experts from six countries across Latin America, who have developed or studied interventions to prevent violence against children in schools and who want to make a strategic contribution to this global discourse. We are coming together with a shared commitment to a different kind of debate – and a plan to bring leaders from the Global South to the same room and ask searching questions collectively with a singular objective: how can we prioritize prevention of VAC at schools in the global discourse?


  • Vía Educación, México
  • AtentaMente, Mexico
  • Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Enlazados, Costa Rica
  • Red PaPaz, Colombia
  • Disciplina con Amor, Colombia
  • Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
  • Observatorio Violencia y Convivencia en la Escuela, Peru
  • Crianza Positiva, Peru
  • Innovación para el Desarrollo, Peru
  • Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
  • Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile
  •, Argentina
  • Red Latinoamericana de Convivencia Escolar


  • Consolidation of regional hub through a core reference group, consulting group, and members networks and generate member database
  • Knowledge generation through development of a regional technical note on VACiS
  • Regional advocacy and promoting local innovations through communications campaigns and virtual and in-person meetings and events
  • Support capacity development of hub members

Join the Coalition:

The latest research and innovation, synthesized. Convenings to connect with others in your field. A united voice, speaking up for our children.

If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.

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